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Complaints Procedure

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We constantly strive to provide an excellent standard of service to our clients but there may be occasions when you, as a client may be dissatisfied with our service. This simple guide outlines what you should do if you wish to make a complaint, and what our commitment will be to you as our client. 

You may choose to make your complaint in writing, by email or verbally. 

In writing to: 

Governance Manager 

Alliance Psychological Services Ltd 
Barton House 
24 Yarm Road 
TS18 3NA 


FAO Governance Manager 


01642 352747 (option 4) 

We will acknowledge any complaint within 2 working days. Some complaints may be resolved immediately, however, if the complaint cannot be resolved either by the member of staff you are dealing with or you are unhappy with the resolution, then the complaint may be escalated to the Service Manager who will respond to you (either verbally or in writing) within 5 working days. 

The complaint will be investigated by the Service Manager who will seek all the relevant facts and may need to contact you at some point for clarification or further information to help resolve your complaint. Hopefully, we can resolve your complaint quickly and swiftly however, we may need to take up to 25 days to obtain all the relevant facts. We will let you know in writing what the outcome of the complaint is. If you are not happy with the response you may be able to ask for an independent review. We will advise you on the steps throughout the process. 

We would encourage any complaints to be made within 6 months of incident/event occurring. 

Alliance Governance Manager.