Supervision or consultations will be a safe space for teachers/staff to be reflective, creative and consider how we can empower children and young people to feel safe, enjoy positive and nurturing relationships and optimise their learning.
Alliance Psychology have the skills and knowledge offering a humanistic and integrative approach to enable growth, increased understanding and support for staff as they can experience stress and challenges trying to meet the needs of children who suffer adversity.

Reflective Supervision and consultation will comprise of:
- Attachment and relationships
- Window of Tolerance and understanding neuroscience of the brain and how trauma and stress impact upon that specific child
- Understanding trauma
- Grief and loss
- How the school can optimise regulation and relationships to redirect behaviour in schools with children and young people
- Understanding the impact of shame on relationships
- Exploring vicarious trauma for staff
- Exploring who is the right person and service to work with children and young people at the right time
- A one to one or group session.
For further information on all aspects of our supervision offer, please email us at enquiriesCYPF@alliancepsychology.com