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Right now, over 15% of people in the UK and Ireland are suffering in work with symptoms of a mental health condition. Could your staff be among them? 

ACAS estimates that mental ill-health is responsible for 91 million lost working days each year, more than for any other illness. Recent estimates put the cost to UK employers at £30 billion each year.

So what can you do about it?

The focus on mental ill-health in the workplace may seem like a recent trend but there has been a responsibility for employers to care for their employees’ mental health since the Health and safety at Work Act 1974. Many organisations have recognised the benefits of promoting positive mental health in the workplace via wellbeing strategies and interventions.

A key facet of this support is confidential, independent workplace counselling. Specialist counselling has been shown to reduce absence rates by up to 50% and Alliance has a proven track record in supporting staff and employers with workplace or personal issues. Last year, 86% of employees referred to us showed clinical recovery or improvement following our intervention. Our Workplace Wellbeing Service boasts a fully-accredited and experienced team of workplace specialists drawn from the public and private sectors. We help businesses to foster a culture of positive mental wellbeing, reduce sickness absence, support return to work procedures and increase productivity and performance.

Benefits to employers

 Last year, staff reporting normal work function increased from 21% at assessment to 63% at discharge. Days lost to sickness absence reduced by 52%

Alliance Workplace Annual Service Report 2018/19

Our focus is on producing measurable benefits for your organisation that will guarantee a return on your investment. Your expected benefits will include:


Why work with us?

The good news is that we're both interested in the same thing: the mental health and wellbeing of your staff team. By working with us, you can make a positive difference to their lives - whether that's by providing staff counselling when they need it or by a more integrated partnership that aims to embed a culture of positive mental health across your organisation.


To find out more about working in partnership, please contact us on 0800 1075 880 for further information or email

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